A collection of the most beautiful board games from the GDR
Michael Geithner and Martin Thiele-Schwez were born in the GDR. However, they only spent their earliest childhood there. They have hardly any memories of the divided Germany. What they do remember, are the games of their childhood. Handmade board games, some of which suddenly disappeared and were replaced by new games. It was only some time ago that they realized that these games were special. They were handmade copies, created because the original games did not exist at that time.
Under the title "Nachgemacht - Spielekopien aus der DDR," Thiele-Schwez and Geithner have been collecting handmade board games from the GDR since May 2011. What began as a spontaneous idea has since grown into a large collection. It now comprises over 175 games. These include Monopoly, Malefiz, Geschenksendung, Hare & Hedgehog, Sagaland, Heimlich & Co. and many more. The individual pieces travel through Germany as a touring exhibition. A selection of them is presented in this volume.
The volume comprises 156 and is divided into nine chapters. In them, the most important areas of the gaming landscape of the GDR are discussed. Hundreds of color photographs, historical documents, letters and Stasi files illustrate the writing. In addition, there are original interviews with game hobbyists as well as texts by renowned authors. For example, by Dr. Stefan Wolle (Scientific Director DDR Museum), Dr. Bernward Thole (Founding Member "Spiel des Jahres", Die Spielebrücke), Cynthia Kempe-Schönfeld (Director Deutsches SPIELEmuseum Chemnitz) and Sebastian Wenzel (Journalist, zuspieler.de).
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The paperback can be ordered via the online store of the DDR Museum, in the bookstore of your choice or via Amazon.