Interactive exhibition game
Kooperatives Kartenspiel
Algorithms in social media
Diversity, tolerance, respect
German history of democracy
Immersive Experience
Playful art education
New perspectives on tolerance
A game as museum expansion
Radikale Entscheidungen
Playful installation in the museum
Peaceful revolution in the museum
Mobile game about radicalization on the net
Investigating Nazi murders of the sick
The simulation game about structural change
Daycare game addresses addiction
Seven lives against Hatespeech
Chat bot against anti-semitism
Cold War Museum App
The Stasi card game
around the world in 80 (AR) cards
Between dictatorship and democracy
Educational game from the GDR
Holy trading card game
Live Action Performance Escape
Game copies from the GDR
A very special memory game
A reshaping online game
Accessibility Options